I just want to say thank you to this surgery, especially the receptionists, who are always helpful and polite, despite dealing with highly irrate and anxious members of the public all day. You are front of house, so you will always get the abuse which should be aimed at the Department of Health, in Parliament.
Can I suggest to your patients, that if they have to queue or sit on hold for 20 minutes and it makes them angry, that they write to their local MP, rather than blame the overworked, underfunded, understaffed work force.
As far as the actual GPs go, they are all very good, but they need to know your ailment to direct you to the correct doctor. It does make a big difference. If I go in for my mental health, I see Dr Shneerson. If it is for something serious and physical, it is Dr Kartunyn. If it is for anything related to kids general health, jabs, skin, allergies, it is Nurse Mary (who can prescribe antibiotics, etc. as she is the nurse practitioner). I don't use Dr McGuinness, I know she is unpopular, but to be fair to her, the last 3 times I had her as no one was available and she was actually really helpful.
And compared to Cherry Hinton surgery-MY GOD-This place is like Harley Street! They have a receptionist there who thinks she is "Mrs NHS".
These receptionists don't get paid as punchbags for your bad day and they certainly don't sit about drinking tea and gossiping about everyone's athletes foot or engorged breasts!
What is wrong with people? 🙄