Amherst Crescent Stores located at 268 Old Shoreham Rd, Hove BN3 7EG, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 738788

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Google Review

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Faye Solomon mobile

5 Google Rating

Very handy. Lovely people. Theyll make you laugh. Shop is dog friendly too. I go every morning xxx

5/ 5

Very handy. Lovely people. Theyll make you laugh. Shop is dog friendly too. I go every morning xxx

Maya Benfell

1 Google Rating

States it shuts at half 5 however refused to accept my parcel at 5.

1/ 5

States it shuts at half 5 however refused to accept my parcel at 5.

Garden Man

5 Google Rating

Very friendly, very helpful. Excellent service with a smile.

5/ 5

Very friendly, very helpful. Excellent service with a smile.

James Randell

4 Google Rating

Handy shop

4/ 5

Handy shop

Kan CK

1 Google Rating

It's closed

1/ 5

It's closed

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