Almondell & Calderwood Country Park located at Almond Lodge, Broxburn EH52 5PE, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01506 882254

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Note: These Images are displaying via Google Maps Api, If you see any Copyright violation on our website please contact us ASAP. Attributions: Sandro Di Nardo John Keenan Jim Thomson Kirstin East Daniel Milburn Adrian Cieslak John Dinsmore Islamas Zeinalovas Brian Douglas Paul Murray
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh
Almondell & Calderwood Country Park edinburgh

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Stephen Kavanagh

4 Google Rating

Was a, pleasant surprise to wonder past the Visitor centre and found a few little craft stalls. The

4/ 5

Was a, pleasant surprise to wonder past the Visitor centre and found a few little craft stalls. The walks are also very beautiful and pleasant. A lot of people take their dogs so you can be guaranteed to meet a few boisterous pups at some point. Little park is also nice and good for kids.

Spike Wilson

5 Google Rating

Beautiful scenery, interesting mix of trails from paved to muddy and hilly. Well worth visiting. Inc

5/ 5

Beautiful scenery, interesting mix of trails from paved to muddy and hilly. Well worth visiting. Includes on site parking at North or South car park and there is usually a small coffee can parked at the visitor centre. Have visited here many times.

alan Simpson

5 Google Rating

Beautiful setting a great place for a walk in summer or winter and great for a picnic in summer .l p

5/ 5

Beautiful setting a great place for a walk in summer or winter and great for a picnic in summer .l personally have fantastic memories of picnics with my grandmother in the 1970s

Hayleigh Brown

5 Google Rating

Really nice walk and 2 bridges to cross. A little play park for kids. Toilets were immaculate. Lots

5/ 5

Really nice walk and 2 bridges to cross. A little play park for kids. Toilets were immaculate. Lots of places to sit and stop off and even a bench area for bbqs

Kirstin East

5 Google Rating

Absolutely stunning place! Holidaying in Scotland and found this place. Me and my partner spent 2hrs

5/ 5

Absolutely stunning place! Holidaying in Scotland and found this place. Me and my partner spent 2hrs walking here, we could of went longer if we didn't have other plans. Such beautiful scenery and peaceful place. We will definitely be going back, but for a longer walk and a picnic.


4 Google Rating

Great, absolutely love it here, creepy at night as it is a forest as their is some cliffs. But go th

4/ 5

Great, absolutely love it here, creepy at night as it is a forest as their is some cliffs. But go there if you want conkers. I also found Cliff Richard hanging off a cliff.

Alex Reynolds

5 Google Rating

Beautiful park, nice walks and all accessible. Good play park for the little ones to burn off some s

5/ 5

Beautiful park, nice walks and all accessible. Good play park for the little ones to burn off some steam and a good walk as well.

Michael Frazer

3 Google Rating

Nice place to walk around. Odd that the cafe closes over lunch time though. And you can't take dogs

3/ 5

Nice place to walk around. Odd that the cafe closes over lunch time though. And you can't take dogs into the cafe.

Naomi Venters

5 Google Rating

Beautiful anytime of year. Great place to walk the dog. It has many different routes throughout the

5/ 5

Beautiful anytime of year. Great place to walk the dog. It has many different routes throughout the park

Sarabe Monik

4 Google Rating

I love this country park and so does my dog. Unfortunately, I hadn't been round for a few months. I

4/ 5

I love this country park and so does my dog. Unfortunately, I hadn't been round for a few months. I went yesterday to find that one of the best walks, home to a miriad of trees and wildlife, has been redeveloped. To do that, they have cut half the trees and the wildlife is gone. I am devastated by this.

Show all timings
  • Saturday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Sunday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Monday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Tuesday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Wednesday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Thursday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Friday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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