Alexandra Garage Doors located at Apartment 320, Holden Mill, Blackburn Rd, Bolton BL1 7PN, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01204 689150

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Note: These Images are displaying via Google Maps Api, If you see any Copyright violation on our website please contact us ASAP. Attributions: Alexandra Garage Doors John Collier Jacqui Carter
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton
Alexandra Garage Doors bolton

Google Review

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Anne Campbell

5 Google Rating

Called John to fix my very old garage door. I was expecting to have to buy a new one, but John repai

5/ 5

Called John to fix my very old garage door. I was expecting to have to buy a new one, but John repaired it the following day and it is now working perfectly. I was delighted with the repair and can't recommend him highly enough.

Fiona Rigby

5 Google Rating

Called Alexandra Garage doors this morning and they were the only ones who could come out today. Jo

5/ 5

Called Alexandra Garage doors this morning and they were the only ones who could come out today. John, actually repaired my broken door, and now it's like new. Really efficient in the way he works and he is very honest as he could have flogged me a new door. Really pleased with my door and the cost was very reasonable. Will certainly use again.

ste ramsden

5 Google Rating

Used john a number of times allways great service highly recommend

5/ 5

Used john a number of times allways great service highly recommend

Bob Channings

5 Google Rating

I phoned John for a quotation for my garage door and even though he was busy we had a very friendly

5/ 5

I phoned John for a quotation for my garage door and even though he was busy we had a very friendly conversation and I received my quote the next day. I accepted his quote and asked him to proceed. The next day he called to inspect what was required and to take measurement. He phoned to confirm the date he could do the installation and today he arrived on time and installed a new garage door complete with electric motor. The quality of his workmanship and the excellent friendly attitude he showed was excellent and I would recommend him to anyone who needed a new garage door. Fantastic!!!!

Des Ingham

5 Google Rating

I phoned John up for a garage door for my Mum and he supplied and fitted a good quality door at a ve

5/ 5

I phoned John up for a garage door for my Mum and he supplied and fitted a good quality door at a very reasonable price. Great service and he was punctual, friendly and helpful. Highly recommended!

Andy Mitchell

5 Google Rating

Our garage door started jamming and not closing fully because the concrete floor had lifted. John di

5/ 5

Our garage door started jamming and not closing fully because the concrete floor had lifted. John did a great job grinding the floor down and resetting the door. All works perfectly now! Very pleasant professional and efficient service. Cheers John!

Saf Khan

5 Google Rating

I dont normally leave reviews but wanted to say a big thank you to John @ Alexandra Garage Doors for

5/ 5

I dont normally leave reviews but wanted to say a big thank you to John @ Alexandra Garage Doors for his brilliant service in providing an installing a new electric sectional door for us. John was extremely professional and prompt in the service he provided. The quote for the product was under budget and the finished product was excellent. If you are looking for a new garage door backed by excellent service then Alexandra Garage Doors is the place to go.

Steve Taylor

5 Google Rating

The wires snapped on our garage door meaning it was incredibly difficult to open. Sent a form throug

5/ 5

The wires snapped on our garage door meaning it was incredibly difficult to open. Sent a form through the website on Sunday expecting nothing until Monday morning. John replied on a Sunday evening and arranged to come on the Tuesday to fix. Amazingly speedy service and the door is now better than ever. Thanks John.

a shamas

5 Google Rating

Excellent service, very customer focused, punctual. John sorted a repair on my garage door at short

5/ 5

Excellent service, very customer focused, punctual. John sorted a repair on my garage door at short notice. Communication perfect. Highly recommended

Alison Bradford-Conlon

5 Google Rating

Thank you for the speedy response I have received today friendly and great workmanship. Would highl

5/ 5

Thank you for the speedy response I have received today friendly and great workmanship. Would highly recommend..

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  • Sunday07:30 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Monday07:30 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Tuesday07:30 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Wednesday07:30 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Thursday07:30 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Friday09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
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