al markaz ul Islami located at Beckside Ln, Bradford BD7 2JX, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01274 270043

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al markaz ul Islami leeds
al markaz ul Islami leeds

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Amjad Khan

5 Google Rating

Excellent organisation and Islamic sacred knowledge dissemination organisation

5/ 5

Excellent organisation and Islamic sacred knowledge dissemination organisation

Adal Qureshi

4 Google Rating

Ma Sha Allah, lovely Masjid. Wudhu Facility, Classes for both Men, Women and Children.

4/ 5

Ma Sha Allah, lovely Masjid. Wudhu Facility, Classes for both Men, Women and Children.

Saj Y

5 Google Rating

Great masjid with loads of classes for men women and children

5/ 5

Great masjid with loads of classes for men women and children

Naser Younus

5 Google Rating

Excellent educational establishment for all levels of knowledge. The zikar is of 2 types one is quit

5/ 5

Excellent educational establishment for all levels of knowledge. The zikar is of 2 types one is quite zikar and the other is loud zikar. Really positive vibes

zain chaudry

5 Google Rating

Nice place of worship .all faith welcome

5/ 5

Nice place of worship .all faith welcome

Aamir Hussain

3 Google Rating

Mosque is amazing but access to car park is crazy and needs improvement

3/ 5

Mosque is amazing but access to car park is crazy and needs improvement

Ashfaq Hussain

4 Google Rating

Brilliant place to study courses are fantastic fees are very reasonable teachers are well qualified

4/ 5

Brilliant place to study courses are fantastic fees are very reasonable teachers are well qualified and friendly and helpful I recommend markaz ul Islam to everybody for anything and everyone

The OvO

5 Google Rating

Very good 👍learning for children. At the Almarkazul Islamic. I was very happy online learning to

5/ 5

Very good 👍learning for children. At the Almarkazul Islamic. I was very happy online learning to children sport and with work experience and skills 😊


5 Google Rating

Brilliant institute doing great work not within the community but the whole of bradford.

5/ 5

Brilliant institute doing great work not within the community but the whole of bradford.

Yasmin Hussain

5 Google Rating

Beutiful zikr I love it

5/ 5

Beutiful zikr I love it

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