Don't waste your time if you want them to take a look at or service your bike. Much better off going
Don't waste your time if you want them to take a look at or service your bike. Much better off going to Uxbridge. Tl;dr: Incompetent staff with really poor organisation. They tried to charge me for a free service due to miscommunication between themselves and careless following of their own service sheet. Only 1 bike mechanic for some reason. In the past the mechanic had been oversubscribed with 6 to 7+ bikes to look at in a day saying that they MIGHT get a chance to look at mine. Ended up taking over a week to get mine seen. Recently, I booked a free bike check and wanted to get my annual silver service done. The staff tell me that the poor mechanic has broken his hand but that this means there are now no mechanics available to do any services at the time of writing. I tell them to at least do the free bike check. The bike comes back with very loose brakes which were fine beforehand that I now have to adjust myself. They told me the bottom bracket is fine after I told them about it creaking and making noise. It still makes lots of obvious noise. Overall disappointing as otherwise the store itself looks good inside and I have no idea how they are for cars, motorbikes etc. Found much better staff and 3 bike mechanics at the Uxbridge store and so will be going there.