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Thornley Groves Sale manchester

Google Review

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pw thomas

1 Google Rating

If you are a landlord do not touch this firm. They never reply to calls, they use an automated syste

1/ 5

If you are a landlord do not touch this firm. They never reply to calls, they use an automated system for repairs which are rarely carried out to satisfaction. They do not communicate tenants concerns which results in them thinking you are a bad landlord. I advise you to use smaller firms where you get a more personal service. I am currently struggling to get my keys returned as my tenant has moved out and I don't think they have done an inventory check(They had the door changed and we do not have a key that fits so can not gain entry). Will be glad to see the back of them!

Molly May

5 Google Rating

After having valuations from several local agents, I am so glad we went with our gut decision and ch

5/ 5

After having valuations from several local agents, I am so glad we went with our gut decision and chose Thornley Groves. With us being overseas we were reluctant to rent out our property but the team provided us with a great service from start to finish. Thank you so much again, Well Done!

Kenneth Lee

5 Google Rating

I had a great experience buying through Thornley Groves. They kept me regularly updated and even tho

5/ 5

I had a great experience buying through Thornley Groves. They kept me regularly updated and even though there were some complications along the way, they handled them well. I'd definitely use their services again in the future.

Romana Drtinová

1 Google Rating

Upon the renewal of my tenancy agreement,I have had tired multiple times to contact the letting age

1/ 5

Upon the renewal of my tenancy agreement,I have had tired multiple times to contact the letting agent Max to discuss the terms of the contract. After no response from phone call and emails, I have personally gone into the branch and found that none of the staff members were willing or able to help. I was promised a call the next day, that was never received and they did not respond to any of my attempts to contact them. It has now been three weeks without contact from the company. I would expect a more professional work ethic from any estate agents, especialy one with multiple branches such a Thornley Groves.

Faye Mellor

5 Google Rating

Outstanding service provided by Thornley Groves in Sale in processing the sale of my property. I was

5/ 5

Outstanding service provided by Thornley Groves in Sale in processing the sale of my property. I was provided with regular updates and friendly staff faces when viewing was taken place. I would highly recommend. Thank you for all your help!


5 Google Rating

My immense thanks to Robert, Gemma, and all the team at Thornley Groves in Sale, for their professio

5/ 5

My immense thanks to Robert, Gemma, and all the team at Thornley Groves in Sale, for their professional and efficient services during what transpired to be a painless, hassle-free sales process. Nothing was too much trouble for any of them. I expected that selling my Mum's house whilst living in another country would be a daunting task, and the team at Thornley Groves in Sale made sure that it was everything but that. I am so grateful for the wonderful service I received and I am happy that I chose them as my agents. I cannot recommend their services highly enough.

Jordan Ette

5 Google Rating

Myself and my partner came across a property we were interested in and quickly booked a viewing and

5/ 5

Myself and my partner came across a property we were interested in and quickly booked a viewing and were shown around by Hannah who was lovely and very welcoming. We loved the property and immediately applied for it and got accepted. The whole experience has been smooth and easy and we couldn't recommend Hannah or Thornley Groves enough. We even got a little welcome box with lots of goodies when we collected our keys.

Catherine Ward

5 Google Rating

Robert the Manager was very pleasant and informative on his visit to the flat we wished to sell. It

5/ 5

Robert the Manager was very pleasant and informative on his visit to the flat we wished to sell. It was sold in the first week and we received an excellent price for it. His Staff in the Office are very approachable and will always help you with questions, especially Caroline who is very friendly and capable. A STRESS FREE EXPERIENCE.

Peggy Lo

5 Google Rating

The service is professional and reliable. All staff are so friendly, helpful, supportive and experie

5/ 5

The service is professional and reliable. All staff are so friendly, helpful, supportive and experienced, especially Carolyne. Highly recommended!

Matthew Beardmore

5 Google Rating

Good knowledge of market, house sold promptly and smoothly. Prompt replies throughout process. Thank

5/ 5

Good knowledge of market, house sold promptly and smoothly. Prompt replies throughout process. Thanks Carolyne!

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