Cleveland Clinic London located at 33 Grosvenor Pl, Belgravia, London SW1X 7HY, UK
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Terrible recruitment process within imaging with great disparity across pay and role recognition. Recruiter does not contact applicants for weeks at a time. Interviews are only given on one morning a week with no flexibility and limited notice, particularly when applicants are already engaged in busy NHS and private clinics. I’ve known 5 applicants for different positions within imaging expressing their concern on how they applied for specific positions only then to be offered positions not at all related to what was originally specified. The structure of imaging which they have planned is not one concordant with a progressive department but one of a backwards private setting; surprising given what the Cleveland clinic stands for.
Poor and unreliable recruitment process, you're contacted by a recruiter who ask you if you are still interested in a job and takes down all your information to arrange an interview then you never hear from them again.
Best hospitals in the world
It will be one of the best clinics in the country, due the cooperation between local specialist and professionals coming from America, and high tech equipment.