This rating applies to the oncology consultant I am currently lumbered with, a chemo nurse and a breast care nurse. I cannot trust them and have been subjected to coercive tactics as they wanted to push me into a treatment plan I was far from happy with. The breast nurse pushed me to breaking point and I had a meltdown in a public place whilst she was on the phone to me, piling on even more pressure. What she wasn't aware of was that I had quickly put my phone on speaker so that people in the vicinity could hear her pressuring me. She is, in my opinion, in the wrong job.
The rest of the oncology staff (receptionists, health care assistants and a nursing associate) have been wonderful so it's a shame that I can only give one star because of the behaviour of the consultant, chemo nurse and breast care nurse. It is also a pity that there is no option to give no stars at all. Thanks to the three people aforementioned, I would prefer not to award them any stars at all. I would dearly love to speak to a newspaper reporter about those three people. The consultant, even now, is trying to push me into taking medication that he has, himself, already admitted, in writing, would be dangerous for me. Vile!