Dwarficus C. Maximus
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I was under the care of College Keep and one Tony Saunders for 10 years. Over those years Tony has c
I was under the care of College Keep and one Tony Saunders for 10 years. Over those years Tony has continued to fail in his duty of care towards me. Over that time, Tony only ever helped me when it was convenient to himself, he only arrived at the appointments he arranged when he could be bothered, frequently not turning up for appointments only to completely disappear for upto 18 months at a time, and never went out of his to help me if it wasn't a quick, easy win. I have been begging Tony to help me get medical treatment for years, to be given so many promises that I'd get the help I need, only for Tony to refuse to help me. I begged Tony for help to get a dentist in January, here I am in December no longer able to eat due to needing dential surgery, and being blocked out of all NHS methods to get said surgery because of Tony Saunders. Tony even blocked my transfer to the correct department within Adult Mental Health. Because of Tony refusing to help me with getting a GP, refusing to help me speak to a doctor out of Adult Mental Health and refusing to help me get a denist I formally demanded, in September, to be removed from Tony Saunders care, so that I could get help from the correct teams. Tony spent two and half months refusing to discharge me from his care, only to instead completely remove me from Adult Mental Health. So in a final act on complete spite from a "kind and caring" member of the NHS, I have been completely removed from Adult Mental Health, the very medical care I need. I will not live to see my 40th birthday next March, because Tony Saunders couldn't be bothered to help a severely mentally disabled adult, which is his very job. I truly believe that the harm Tony has caused by refusing to help me far outweighs any help he has actually given. Whilst trying to get Tony to discharge me, I spoke to a number of the receptionist at College Keep, each time being promised that the duty manager would review the situation. If the duty manager did look into the situation, they couldn't be bothered to communicate this with me. So thank you to College Keep and to Tony Saunders for refusing me help, thank you for discharging me in a worse state than I was in before I was referred to you.Thank you for the decisions that will result in my death. I know that this review will not change a thing for me, NHS procedures prevent that, but if this review convinces just one person to stay away from Tony Saunders then my death would have been worth something. This review will be posted to the NHS review site, but due to the nature of the review, the NHS will very likely block the review. Edit: The NHS rejected the review "We have rejected your review because it includes a serious complaint about a specific care home or service that we cannot publish." If complaints from abled people are ignored by the NHS, then what chance does a mental disabled adult have? Especially when my attempts to fix the situation were ignored by the staff of College Keep already.