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Google Review

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2 Google Rating

It took 2 hours to get that the first tourist information point located in Ship Street was for us un

2/ 5

It took 2 hours to get that the first tourist information point located in Ship Street was for us unfindable and the other in the nearby of the Royal Pavilion didn’t help us at all. On the official city map the first was located next to the Old Ship Hotel, but after searching, asking and looking everywhere we didn’t find anything and to be honest neither a signal. The other one (almost unreachable because of no signals and no indications) is located inside a shop next to “al duomo” restaurant but the two guys working inside it were like “don’t know what to say”. So, please help tourists with a proper office where asking what to do and or where to go! C’ mon, Brighton is so lovely!

Hidenori Takeda

3 Google Rating


3/ 5


Claire Beveridge

5 Google Rating

5/ 5

Stefan Domenig

5 Google Rating

5/ 5

Janet WONG

1 Google Rating

1/ 5

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