B.L.D’S is located at 210 Mill Rd, Cambridge CB1 3NF, UK, we aim to offer all our customers a great experience with B.L.D’S and we would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

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B.L.D’S cambridge

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Mal F

5 Google Rating

Good price, good greasy spoon food. Friendly table service. Just remember that if dont want milk in

5/ 5

Good price, good greasy spoon food. Friendly table service. Just remember that if dont want milk in your coffee, you have to specify that you want it black as milky coffee comes as standard

Joe Turner

3 Google Rating

At best this place is average. Very poor quality sausages, chicken nuggets and fish fingers in the c

3/ 5

At best this place is average. Very poor quality sausages, chicken nuggets and fish fingers in the children's meals. With all the other local choices we won't be visiting again

Malc Hills

5 Google Rating

Very nice hot or cold food and drinks at a reasonable price very polite staff and customers.

5/ 5

Very nice hot or cold food and drinks at a reasonable price very polite staff and customers.

Alan Cage

4 Google Rating

Lite breakfast before work

4/ 5

Lite breakfast before work

Neill Collie

5 Google Rating

Wonderful veggie breakfast available. Good coffee too. Lovely staff.

5/ 5

Wonderful veggie breakfast available. Good coffee too. Lovely staff.

Chris Cowan

5 Google Rating

A great value cafe with friendly staff. They do brilliant breakfasts.

5/ 5

A great value cafe with friendly staff. They do brilliant breakfasts.

mal big

1 Google Rating

Awful. The chef (hahaha) is a grumpy man that needs to wash more often. My friend bought bolognese a

1/ 5

Awful. The chef (hahaha) is a grumpy man that needs to wash more often. My friend bought bolognese and it had no mince, my steak (rare) could not be cut with a steak knife. When we complained the chef swore at us and continued swearing whilst cooking the food again and it was still rubbish.

Cai Ytsma

5 Google Rating

As close to a legitimate American diner as I've found on this island, good ol greasy spoon that I'll

5/ 5

As close to a legitimate American diner as I've found on this island, good ol greasy spoon that I'll definitely be coming back to


5 Google Rating

Nice breakfast cafe!

5/ 5

Nice breakfast cafe!

Frank Rowsell

5 Google Rating

Been getting my fryups here for 40 years nearly. Love the place the food and the friendly staff. I

5/ 5

Been getting my fryups here for 40 years nearly. Love the place the food and the friendly staff. I only wish they'd up their quality of sausages.

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