Organic is just a dream here ! Roundup is a reality and next it will be a nightmare.
Roundup, supposedly newly harmless to the environment, is sold here. A shame, to flee absolutely. Do not believe that Monsanto is a harmless company, here are some examples:
. Saccharine (carcinogenic)
. PCB (highly toxic and carcinogenic)
. Aspartame (endocrine disruptor)
. Agent orange (combat defoliant, carcinogenic)
. Posilac (recombinant growth hormone, carcinogenic)
. Glyphosate (carcinogenic with heavy conviction in 2019)
. Richard DOLL case
. Monsanto papers,
. GMO round up ready:
- Newleaf potato
- Bt cotton
- soy
- rapeseed
- hundreds of thousands of victims in the world.
Every time Monsanto has lied about the dangerousness of its products and all of us, you, we are the dupes, with premature death to the key. Chemical phytosanitary products are in no way biodegradable and our bodies are force-fed, so thank you in advance to stop selling them to your customers. Your role is to help them find non-toxic solutions called "Zero phyto".