The Remedy Rooms located at 66 St Stephen St, Edinburgh EH3 5AQ, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0131 220 2045

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The Remedy Rooms edinburgh
The Remedy Rooms edinburgh
The Remedy Rooms edinburgh
The Remedy Rooms edinburgh
The Remedy Rooms edinburgh
The Remedy Rooms edinburgh

Google Review

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Marijane Soilis

5 Google Rating

I’ve been waxing for almost 10 years and I can honestly say my hot wax treatment at the Remedy Roo

5/ 5

I’ve been waxing for almost 10 years and I can honestly say my hot wax treatment at the Remedy Rooms was the best Brazilian I’ve ever had! It was genuinely so much less painful than any other hair removal I’ve done. Plus their rooms are very clean, calming, and they even have a TV in the treatment room to help distract and relax you. Extremely kind and professional service. Very fair prices. Will definitely be going back!

Emma Bruce

5 Google Rating

After searching for a good 2/3 months to find a decent beauty salon after moving up from London. I a

5/ 5

After searching for a good 2/3 months to find a decent beauty salon after moving up from London. I am so happy I came across this place. The BEST manicure I have ever had in my life and an amazing streak free fake tan. I cannot rate this place highly enough. I had also been stupid and chosen the wrong colour for my nails, the lady was so nice and after my fake tan I decided they were the wrong colour she did them again for me and went over her normal hours to get them finished and looking beautiful. THANK YOU

Chiara Pannozzo

4 Google Rating

A great beauty therapists in the heart of Stockbridge, The Remedy Room is a one-stop-shop for all yo

4/ 5

A great beauty therapists in the heart of Stockbridge, The Remedy Room is a one-stop-shop for all your beauty needs. I’ve sampled a range of treatments at The Remedy Room and have always been really impressed with the results. Staff at The Remedy Room are welcoming and very good at what they do. The opening hours are also friendly for those working 9-5, as they are open until 8pm most evenings, and are really helpful at squeezing you in when you need a last minute appointment. In comparison to some other salons in the city, prices are reasonable at The Remedy Room. If you live in the area, it’s well worth giving this salon a try.

Laura Dow

5 Google Rating

I've been going a while now. Vicky is great at what she does and is always accommodating

5/ 5

I've been going a while now. Vicky is great at what she does and is always accommodating

Beverley Hampshaw

5 Google Rating

Very pleased with my nails today. Thank you for fitting me in and doing a lovely nail treatment with

5/ 5

Very pleased with my nails today. Thank you for fitting me in and doing a lovely nail treatment with OPI gel 👍

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  • Sunday10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Monday10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Tuesday10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Wednesday10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Thursday10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Friday10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
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