Yuill & Kyle located at Capella Building, 60 York St, Glasgow G2 8JX, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0141 331 2332

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Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow
Yuill & Kyle glasgow

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

bValued Arthur Bletchly

5 Google Rating

Had a client who was ducking & diving. He was soon out of his depth when Yuill & Kyle wrote to him -

5/ 5

Had a client who was ducking & diving. He was soon out of his depth when Yuill & Kyle wrote to him - he then paid up!

John Neill

1 Google Rating

Total cowboy debt collection scum Sent me a summons for a young girl with same name as me I told t

1/ 5

Total cowboy debt collection scum Sent me a summons for a young girl with same name as me I told them wrong person but the young girl got decree against her Totaj scum

Beatrice Nicholas

5 Google Rating

Great professionals .

5/ 5

Great professionals .

Sharon Craven

3 Google Rating

3/ 5

Sam Robert

1 Google Rating

Totally useless. Don't bother using them. They do almost nothing, there main job is sending you bill

1/ 5

Totally useless. Don't bother using them. They do almost nothing, there main job is sending you bills. I have ask them to recover dept over the past year or so and the have not recovered a penny. I even went thought court action. Nothing apart form a £600 bill from them. There are also useless at sharing information on your dept recovery, I guess that is because the don't recover anything! If you get a letter for them relating to Dept recover you can just ignore it. from my experience with them nothing will happen. I have spent over £800 with them on dept recover and they have recovered £0.00 DON'T USE THIS COMPANY!

Chris Burton

1 Google Rating

Absolutely pointless. They exist to invoice and charge you and aren't interested in enforcing or get

1/ 5

Absolutely pointless. They exist to invoice and charge you and aren't interested in enforcing or getting a debt owed to you back. AVOID.

Curral Ltd

1 Google Rating

I wouldn't bother using this company unless you want to spend a fortune for nothing, if you have a d

1/ 5

I wouldn't bother using this company unless you want to spend a fortune for nothing, if you have a debt in Scotland, these guys are a waste of time and don't give you any indication of cost. I originally asked based on my circumstances if I had a case and an estimate of costs to recover the debt, nearly £600 later I find out that even if i proceed to spend an additional £700 I wont be able to recover the TV off of the guys wall in his house with bailifs, auful advice from start to finish. Would not recommend this company to any business trying to chase commercial debt in Scotland.

Conny Bolt

5 Google Rating

Very helpful staff

5/ 5

Very helpful staff

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