located at 126 Broadway, West Ealing, London W13 0SY, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 020 8810 0707

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Google Review

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Chin Wai Wu

1 Google Rating

I have an ongoing dispute with them. They so far have not honoured the ATOL protection and they have

1/ 5

I have an ongoing dispute with them. They so far have not honoured the ATOL protection and they have taken a very long time to reply to emails. I do not recommend these guys at all. As the result of their mistake, I have had to fork out another £600 for my trip. 3 chase emails and 2 months later and still no reply. these people will take your money and refuse to talk to you. Appalling customer service (or the lack of)

Reena P

1 Google Rating

Awful! Do not book here! When they make an error, in my case costing over £1,000 they avoid answeri

1/ 5

Awful! Do not book here! When they make an error, in my case costing over £1,000 they avoid answering emails and calls and refused to make the payment they owed me! This is now being dealt with by credit card company. Do not book here, not worth the stress!

Terry Smith

1 Google Rating

ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! PLEASE BE AWARE OF THIS TRAVEL AGENT. I am deeply regretful that i chose to by

1/ 5

ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! PLEASE BE AWARE OF THIS TRAVEL AGENT. I am deeply regretful that i chose to by tickets from this place, all they told were LIES. Once again please be aware.

Ms Pawelko

1 Google Rating

Just went in there with my pushchair as was interested in their all-inclusive family holidays. The t

1/ 5

Just went in there with my pushchair as was interested in their all-inclusive family holidays. The two women at the desk watched as I struggled with the door and steps. Both unhelpful I had to ask to be given any information. Very unwilling to help

Chiranjibi dhakal

5 Google Rating

I have booked several flights and trips. excellent service and price. well recommended.

5/ 5

I have booked several flights and trips. excellent service and price. well recommended.

Hari Pun

1 Google Rating

Worst agent for ticketing.

1/ 5

Worst agent for ticketing.

Anjali KC

5 Google Rating

Wonderful service and excellent response.

5/ 5

Wonderful service and excellent response.

Suraj Rana

5 Google Rating

Very helpful services

5/ 5

Very helpful services

robin rai

1 Google Rating

Booked ticket with return ticket and they said for 1 time changing the date of ticket is free while

1/ 5

Booked ticket with return ticket and they said for 1 time changing the date of ticket is free while returning if there is confusion on date but they charged me . So why did they said to me if U have to charge for it , if u can’t do it then please don’t make people stupid , not gonna book any more from this agency

Gloria Wu

1 Google Rating

I have an ongoing dispute with them. They so far have not honoured the ATOL protection and they have

1/ 5

I have an ongoing dispute with them. They so far have not honoured the ATOL protection and they have taken a very long time to reply to emails. I do not recommend these guys at all. As the result of their mistake, I have had to fork out another £600 for my trip. 3 chase emails and 2 months later and still no reply. these people will take your money and refuse to talk to you. Appalling customer service (or the lack of) UPDATE - It has been a year since my dispute. They have stopped replying to my emails even though the last email they sent confirmed that I was owed money. so basically now they have kept my refund for themselves. What a bunch of jokers.

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