
Author: josephhamilton77



Joined In Mar 2020

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josephhamilton77 1 Reviews
Awesome staff

When one is diagnosed with cancer, it takes the wind out of ones sails, however, the staff in the Bridgwater Suite put one at ease. The are friendly and always have a smile on their faces. At the end of the day, we are all in the same boat, cancer does not discriminate who it attacks, I have found new friends here, it's like a family. I know that cancer is hard, and the treatment can be as equally hard, between chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, it takes its toll. The side effects alone can be harsh, and painful, as well as embarrassing like losing ones hair. Personally I shaved the remainder off, beard and all, I decided to wear my hair loss like a medal, my thought was to cover up was to hide cancer. The staff here and in the Cancer Centre are awesome, how they do it day and daily is magnificent. Not everyone will have the same experience as I, this could be down to mindset, it is what it is, this is the philosophy that helps me through. It is unfair to blame the staff for any delays in getting seen by doctors etc. With all the complaints about the NHS I feel very Blessed that I am here today because of their joint efforts. We all live busy lives, and yes it can be annoying to travel to Bridgewater for treatment and or bloods, remember, you are alive and able to do it, there may be days when it gets on top of you, these great people here can and will help. I can only say from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU>

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